Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A glimpse of me

As I have been reading my little sister's blog, it has inspired me to start my own. Mainly I think this is going to be me sharing my journey through the remainder of my pregnancy and my experiences as a mom for the first time, and maybe just me sharing random thoughts on my daily life. Just so you know, I may get into TMI and I apologize now because I've decided that the more TMI I can learn from others, the more prepared I'll be for birth and motherhood.
So here goes! Be patient with me...

On Thursday I will be 38 weeks pregnant, and let me tell you, I am ready for my little man to make his appearance! I think 'uncomfortable' is my middle name lately. Sleep is difficult and standing or sitting in one position for extended periods of time are a bear too. Never in my life have I ever fallen asleep on one arm only to have my other one fall asleep. HELLO PREGNANCY, now I have!

My dad warned me that the half way point of pregnancy is the ninth month and I didn't believe him then, but let me tell you, he was right! You should see how graceful I am when I try to roll over in bed, or even just try to get out of bed to go pee for the 100th time in the night. I can't believe Damon doesn't wake up every time. Another fun thing is trying to buckle the seat belt in the car, or bending over when you drop something, which happens often because all your ligaments in your body are loosening in prep for having a baby...so a good grip is history. Or putting on your socks..

I do have to admit that this pregnancy has been rather easy. I had morning sickness (why do they call it that when it lasts all the time!?) for the first 4 months, but since then it's pretty much been easy peasy. My main ailments now are sore back (pinched nerves), being emotional, and heartburn.

Tums are pretty much my best friend...they are in my purse, in the downstairs bathroom, and by the bed. I was on my way to an appointment with my life insurance agent today and had terrible heartburn so I took a tums and the whole way there I was trying to get that chalky white substance off my tongue. I'm sure I looked lovely. I'm not sure if I was successful in getting it all off, that stuff sticks like glue!

Another thing that is crazy; especially at the end of pregnancy, is dreams. I've had quite a few where I go into labor and am no where near a hospital and can't get there, and then the baby is born breach. I've also had dreams where he is born and can talk and walk already. In one, he was arguing with me about his name. In one I had a dream where my (may be TMI here) boob exploded and milk went everywhere. YES, this was my dream. I told Damon that one and his reaction was "EW" I told my sisters and mom and they just laughed. Typical!

On another note, (see, I told you this was going to be random) Yesterday was Damon and my 1st anniversary! I got home from work to find he had gotten me beautiful flowers, a card, and cheetos!

He really put a lot of thought into it because he said the flowers reminded him of our wedding day and the card reminded him of when we were in Florida on vacation. He also got me a 35mm lens for my SLR so that I can take close up shots of Liam once he is here! It was an annibirthababyversery present he said :) I think he decided he wanted Ammo for his present.

He took me to Olive Garden for dinner and then we headed out to my parents new ranch to watch the Bears/Cowboys game. On the way there, we saw a fawn (about 4 months old is my guess) lying in the road. It had been hit by a car but they hadn't stopped to make sure if it was OK or not. Well, the poor thing wasn't OK. It's back had been broken and he was struggling to get off the road. I called my dad, not exactly sure what to do but not having the heart to just leave it there to suffer. Dad gave me the none-emergency number to call and the sheriff came out and met us. He put the fawn down, and let us take the carcass.  Dad, Jon (brother-in-law) and Damon skinned it and Dad butchered it this morning. It's sad that the fawn had to die but it made me feel a little better that he wasn't wasted. I understand things happen, but if you hit an animal and it's still alive but in pain, please, be decent enough to do something about it!

Well, I think that's enough rambling for one day, I'm off to an appointment with my midwife. I love hearing that little heartbeat every week and can't wait until my boy is in my arms.

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